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Artistry & Teaching Philosophy


"Learning involves coordination of all of the capacities 

of the living organism, not just the "intellect"

(Chambliss, 1996).


















I believe the purpose of dance education is to guide students to develop an understanding of dance and discover connections between dance and their life experiences.


Dance educators of any level should work to break through the stigma that is created about dancers, showing that anyone can dance and being a professional in the dance world is possible in many facets (dancer, dance educator, choreographer, dance historian, dance critic, etc.). 


 All children have the right to be able to explore and develop their movement abilities to the fullest extent possible (Bonbright, 1998). Having students involved in a dance class will encourage them  to get better acquainted with their bodies and encourage a healthier future. 


Skills highlighted in my pedagogy:

- McCutchen's Cornerstones - performing, creating, responding, connecting 

- Bodily awareness, basic motor skills, science of movement

- 21st Century Skills -  problem solving, creativity, communicating (social skills), and application of knowledge.

- Goodlad’s (1994) 12 goals of schooling -  career and occupational goal, functional literacy, readiness for a productive    work and economic responsibility, socialization for participation in a complex society, and self-fulfillment.

- Self-awareness, self-confidence

- Interpret behavior in movement and properly express behavior through movement (analytically and socially)

- Healthful living (physical and emotional)



“All children must have the right to grow in dance knowledge, skills, and appreciations so as to bring joy and satisfaction to their lives, challenge their minds, stimulate their imaginations, and exalt their spirits”

(Bonbright, 1998).


Dance is a joyful experience, and dance education offers a joyful experience for learning. 

*Full Artistry & Teaching Philosophy Available upon Request*



Bonbright, J. (1998). Child's bill of rights in dance. Silver Spring, MD: National Dance Education Organization.  


Chambliss, J. J. (1996). Dewey timeline with historic benchmarks of humankind's development.. Retrieved 10/24, 2013, from  



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